Terminal Tetris is an excellent remake of the original Tetris of the old times. The difference is that this time Tetris comes with very original pictures and a very exciting fun. When starting the game the player has the possibility of choosing the level he wants to play according to his needs. The first level is called Fantasy, the second Advanced, the third Professional and the last one Extreme. In each level the player has to use the imagination and most of everything the brain if he wants to play the next level.
When choosing the level and starting the real game you will see displayed on the screen the score that increases when the player forms lines. The speed is also important and the game time is also shown on the screen so that the player can see the time remaining. The player has to click on the arrows of the keyboard in order to move the figures. The player also has the possibility of seen the figure that is coming on the Next Item.
Excellent graphics, amazing colors and very nice music.